What is it about electronic and automotive equipment that causes these fiendish creations to develope such personal relationships with their people? I don't doubt but that there those who have tame and willing machines. However...I am not one of these lucky few. Perhaps I exaggerate.

I know that we women are fond of hyperbole. Maybe there are many who have peaceful relationships with these demons of some mad tormentor's fevered psyche. Excuse me... while I cool my own fevered brow.

Fine, so you have gathered that I have been thwarted by this inanimate object in front of me - again! What really ticks me off, is that Les sits down to sort out the problem, and all the little doodads say to the the little gizmos: "1000110110011111000." To which the thingumies, who always have to put in their tuppence worth, add: "11111111!!!" So then the gizmos come right back with: "00001110011110." And then there is a general high pitched (but very soft - You'd have to be a dog to hear it) squeal of laughter, followed by a low "hmmmmmm" - the sound of (you guessed it) - the computer, and the internet, and the programme and the mouse and any other jolly thing that you'd like to add in there - working perfectly.

What have these things got against me????!!!! HUH?! That's what I want to know. The car does the exact same thing. It makes a terrible noise (an expensive noise) ; it won't start; I can't open the boot;the lights won't work; any thing you fancy. Out comes Les - The doodads, the gizmos and the thingumies all get together again (okay, so they don't do computer-speak in our cars. Maybe it's more like "Glug, glug" and "knock, knock.") So Les approaches said car. It's not like he gets down on his knees in front of it, to beg its pardon for the stupid wife that he has, who is after all, only a woman. We must make allowances. She is just a woman, and inclined to hyperbole. No - up he marches, opens the door - no differently from the way I did it so far as I can see. He puts the key in the ignition - I'm still watching - still seeing no difference. Feet are on the pedals in the same way as mine. And - VVVRRROOOMMM!!! Thar she blows!

Now you tell me that's not favouritism. I'm sorry, I just won't believe you.

Right, that feels better.

Trouble is, I was actually writing to tell you all about the MOST beautiful addition to the human race this year. And by now you're probably bored reading my drivel. So, I'll just go ahead and talk to myself about my gorgeous granddaughter, and you can chat amongst yourselves, or log off, or go to the kitchen (you probably feel in need of some sustenance after all that).

I would put on some pics, but I'm technologically challenged and I can't yet get that right. There's lots of new stuff that I am learning, though (I learnt how to make links this week - pretty cool, huh?) There are some lovely pictures on Shelly's site. I will still ask Les to help me to do the photo thing, though.

Monday morning, 17 May 2010, Hannah Elizabeth Herbert made her way into this world at 08h18, by means of a caesarean section. She screamed lustily before we even fully lifted her out of her mommy. She was eager to greet this new world. Shelly did so much better than last time with Joshua. That time was really traumatic, having a bad labour for 15 hours, and then an emergency caesar. This time her pain control was so much better, and she looked so much more relaxed. I was able to be there for both, and for the first, I was beside myself with distress, seeing Shelly suffering so badly during the caesar (the epidural had been topped up, but had not had time to get working, and she felt the whole op). This time, she was smiling, and was able to enjoy the fact of being shown her beautiful little girl.

She came home yesterday, and is recovering well. Obviously she is sore - this is only day 5 since her caesar, but she's doing well - and so is Hannah.

Joshua is doing pretty well. It's obviously hard for a little body to get used to sharing the attention that he's always had all to himself. But millions of children have had to do it before. His mommy and daddy are very conscious of sharing their time and making sure that he doesn't feel left out. They are such lovely parents to watch. He is so beautiful. He has a mass of the tightest blonde curls on his head.

And so...

The time has come the walrus said
To talk of many things
Of boys and toys
And little girls
Of sleepless nights for moms
And why a dad must go to work
How long will grow the curls?

For those of you who are already asleep - sleep on, sweet dreamers. For any others, I am sure that you will soon feel join them.

Fare thee well, dear friends, till we chat again.


Judy said...

Cheers Sally! Lovely to read your entry. Happy Family-ing.

Dee said...

Yes, I love your blog, and can offer any technical assistance from across the miles that you wish. Always entertaining to read, I bet I would adore your book, which I am dying to read btw.

Till you blog again, take care, love you.

Unknown said...

MOM!!! Write again!!! :)

Leslie Ward Powrie said...

It seems that I did not know about this blog of yours. I saw that my sister Judy followed a blog 'My dream book world' and that sounded like it might be related to 'Dream Bookshop'...

I hope that you enjoy getting back to this blog.

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